Actions speak louder than words, but not nearly as often - Mark Twain
The phrase, "actions speak louder than words" is a very commonly used one. Many people seem to think that what people say is meaningless because they show what they are really made of with what they do. Although this may be true in most cases, we must think beyond that. What about what people are thinking and feeling on the inside? It is safe to agree that sometimes we don't ever get to really know what someone is made of because they have trouble expressing themselves and in result keep their emotions buried deep inside. Even if we try to understand them, we are often times wrong because we are usually quick to make assumptions. That's why the commonly used phrase that tells us that people's actions tell us more about them than their words do is a big generalization because we may never know or see someone's true colors. Mark Twain (the quote shown above); a famous writer, points out that words can speak louder than actions sometimes, and this is totally true. It's a good exercise to write all of your emotions down on paper because it is very therapeutic and lets you examine what you are feeling, and it also helps us to remember that not all things need to be said out loud and to others.
Vocabulary- Mental Verbs
think- to believe
feeling- to be aware of
agree- to have the same opinion
understand- to know the meaning of something
know- to have information of some kind in your mind
see- to become aware of something with your eyes
remember- to think of something from the past again
Vocabulary Exercise
Using the mental verbs in the vocabulary list, please fill in the blanks.
1. I _______ (to know the meaning of) what the teacher was talking about because it makes sense.
2. It is easy to ________ about what you like because it is what you believe.
3. Sometimes it is hard to ________ with people because we might not have the same opinions.
4. Yesterday, I know he was __________ (aware) sick because he didn't look too well.
5. The sunset is a beautiful sight to ________ (to perceive with eyes) because of all the beautiful colors.
6. I like to ____________ (think back to the past) when I was a child and played outside all the time.
7. I ______ (to have information) about grammar because I learn in Mrs. Pinto's class
Grammar Point
Verbs can be categorized by action words or mental verbs; words that describe an inner action, or an action you cannot see. We have learned about action verbs which tell us what we do physically like to run or to dance. This entry is about inner and mental actions that we do in our mind or that we do without having to physically move. Please write four sentences choosing the vocabulary words telling me about what you think about something. The more vocabulary words you use the better! For extra credit, come up with one or two on your own to share with the class.
I really like your topic and the Flaubert quote. It is true, I think, tat writing is a healing process.