Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Playing outside

Since the weather has been nice again, I have brought my daughters outside to play more often. I have my four year old ride her bicycle, and I push the baby on the stroller. She also loves to play with her "Elsa car" and her dolls. When my husband is home, they love to kick or throw a soccer ball back and forth to each other.
The sun has been shining very much lately, and they love being outside and enjoying the fresh air! I must admit, I love it too. It is a nice break from being cooped up in the house all the time with a new baby. The smell of the coming fall is great. It is the time of year when the weather is a bit strange, because one week it will be cold and the next it is hot again! It is very confusing sometimes because you may not know what to wear. All I know is, we love playing outside and smelling that brand new fall air outside. Taking a minute to ourselves for some peace and quiet is necessary!

Vocabulary (verbs)

brought- (past tense-to bring) to come with
play- to do fun activities
ride- to sit on and control the movement of something
push- to use force to move
loves- to appreciate something very much
kick- to hit something with your foot
throw- to cause something to move in the air with your hand
smelling- the quality of a thing you can sense with your nose
cooped- to keep inside for a long period of time

Vocabulary Exercise
Word Scramble
Please identify the scrambled verbs and write on the blank space.
1. I ______ (eolv) the warm weather.
2. In soccer, it is important to ______ (cikk) the ball to the other players.
3. I love to stop and ______ (lmsel) the flowers.
4. In baseball, the pitcher ______ (tohrws) the ball to the catcher.
5. He likes to ______ (spuh) the buttons of the game.
6. I am afraid to _____ (erid) the rollercoaster because it is fast.
7. My mom _______ (tbhrogu) my homework to my school because I forgot it at home.
8. The chickens stay _______ (oocepd) up in their cage all night.

Grammar Point
Verbs are very important components of sentences. They tell us what the action is that the subject is doing in a sentence. Without them, the sentence would be inactive and maybe boring. I have used several verbs to describe when I go outside and play with my daughters. Using the above verbs, write a short paragraph about what activities you enjoy and circle each verb. For an extra bonus, add some verbs of your own!


  1. Ana, I like your choice for the vocabulary words, choosing verbs to demonstrate that they are action words to help the reader understand what the subject is doing. I also like your activity; it helps students look at the letters individually that make up a word. And by asking them to unscramble them, you help them become better spellers. By the way the babies are adorable!

  2. Thanks Lilly! I appreciate your feedback!

  3. Ana, I really enjoyed this post! I think that it is great when you use the action verbs, like play and love when describing the out door activities. I also enjoyed the activity, where we had to scramble up the words, while understanding the meaning if the verb that was used. Great job on this post! It makes me want to go outside now!

    1. Thanks mike! Yes its fun to get out and get some fresh air ! :)

  4. You are so right that we don't spend enough time outside nor do we spend enough time relaxing and thinking. Nice entry with all the important components.
